02 octobre 2013

Urban Plein-Air [Painting]


Today was my first real attempt at urban plein-air painting. I was (obviously) inspired by James Gurney and the Urban Sketchers online community anI wanted to give this a try for a long time.

I chose to paint this derelict car wash sign that's a 10-minute walk away from my place.

I set up my easel.

After the drawing was done roughly, I prepared my palette...

And painted away for a solid 45 minutes. I didn't really check the time.

[Note to self: If your subject is in direct sunlight, 
you'll also be in direct fucking sunlight. Bring a hat.]

And that's the final result.

The acrylic paint was drying as it was leaving my brush. It was pretty hard to work the edges correctly and to think about my strokes. Also, I need to find a way to use some sort of mahl stick... I'm used to hand stability when handling a brush. But still... Oh! And I forgot to apply a underpainting which I regretted 10 minutes in.

So... yeah. It was fun and I'll venture again with my stuff to try some more painting before long. 

4 commentaires:

Marie-France a dit...

Wow. Malade. A+

Unknown a dit...

Merci! ^_^

Vincent Gagnon (Vigg) a dit...

très cool, très.

Unknown a dit...

Disons que c'est un début. ^_^