25 septembre 2013

Tiny Baby Alligator Head - Oil study

Another oil study. 25 minutes.
Still trying to learn how to use that brush thingy...

Yeah... crappy phone pic again. I'm getting a decent camera soon.

19 septembre 2013

Vulture head study and some urban sketching

This is a study done for another personal piece—a fantasy piece in step with what I've been posting here but with a different approach.

And these are fast drawings done at the Marché Jean-Talon yesterday. I was meeting a friend of mine, the wildly talented Anne Villeneuve. We chatted a lot (one learns a lot by speaking with more experienced artists) and just instinctively whipped our sketchbooks out and started drawing. It was great.

15 septembre 2013

Illuxcon 6 - Days 3 and 4

The last two days of IlluxCon were hectic. With the showcase, the weekend salon and the main show all at once, it was kinda hard to try to keep up.

That being said, I kept meeting very interesting people and managing to find time to actually chat with them.

It also was a great time for me to step back and reflect on what I wanted to do with my budding carreer and really reflect on HOW and WHERE I should put my efforts.

Zoë Robinson (from Fantasy Flights Games) helped me a lot by sending me back to square one, taking me by the shoulders and re-aligning me on my true path. It was impressive, humbling and exhilarating at the same time.

Meeting him for the first time, Dorian Vallejo took the time to give me some very profound, artist-to-artist advice. I don't know if I'll ever be able to thank him enough but he has been one of those very bright stars you only see one or twice in a lifetime.

So yeah... all in all, great Con.

Pictured: I tried to do some urban sketching but was forced to abandon my watercolor halfway through.

13 septembre 2013

IlluxCon 6 - Day 2

Today, I helped set up the Weekend Salon at the Allentown Museum. Met lots of great people. Saw amazing artworks being prepared for the show.

It was also a pleasure to actually see some of the people who I look up to in the industry. So much camaraderie and love and friendship really is something to experience.

Pictured: the show being set-up, Dorian Vallejo's whole room almost ready for the show, a breakfast to which I think I will never be ready for.

12 septembre 2013

IlluxCon 6 - Day 1

Quick blog post from my hotel room here in Allentown PA.

Today was the first full day at IlluxCon and it has already been very intense.

I started with a portfolio review with Zoe Robinson (Art Director at Fantasy Flight).
It was brilliant. Brilliant.
She basically sent me back to square one and gave me a new direction to take my first step. Again.

I also spoke with David Palumbo, who's a terrific guy; Eric Velhagen, who, like me, was a storyboard artist before plunging head first into fantasy illustration; Jon Schindehette, who's awesome and super nice; I also met Jeannie and Pat, who ARE IlluxCon...

So... yeah. Big day.
I'll keep you guys posted on how the rest of my weekend goes.